Endless Eight - Day One BA

With a smile, you decide Haruhi might like a good scare from time to time.  Standing up, you see she has now made friends with some other children that are also out swimming and…found a ball somewhere.  Hopefully it’s the kid’s and she didn’t steal it.

Anyway, you tell Koizumi, who has been relaxing beside you, that you’re going off for a quick swim.  He nods his head and returns back to his peace and quiet.  Good, you didn’t want him to come to because that’d just mess everything up.

Now, to decide the best course of action.  You could sneak around the pool to get behind Haruhi, then jump in splashing water all over her unexpectedly.  You might land on top of her, though.  Although that might be funny… Anyway, you decide that the other option is to sneak into the water on this side and slowly swim over and grab one of her legs.  That’d probably give her a good scare, too, but the kids with Haruhi and Asahina-san might notice that quicker than just quickly jumping in on them.  Well, better decide quick.

Do you:

A. Sneak around and jump in on them

B. Swim up to them sneakily and grab Haruhi’s leg